Monthly Archives: December 2014

Show Your STRONG in 2015, 7 Tips To Get Your Resolution Going


I love this photo from Strong Fitness Magazine.

2015 is just around the corner and you know what that means. We all begin to think about those New Year’s resolutions. Well this post is going to focus on the oh so very popular resolution of “I will get into shape this year” or “I will lose weight this year” or I will commit to get healthier this year” etc. etc… So, I am not going to beat around the bush with a lot of nonsense clutter on this post so I am going to get right down to my top tips to get your resolution in gear before the new year rolls in.

1. You have to really want it. What I mean is, if you want to change something about yourself you have to change what you are doing. You have to commit. You have to be serious about this, it is your life and your health you are dealing with.

2. Set a specific goal. I don’t mean just saying “I need to lose weight”, you have to set a realistic goal, set a beginning date to start and an ending date so you have a sense of a deadline.

3. Make your plan of how you will reach this goal. Be specific and write it down. If you have no idea what the heck to do, then educate yourself. Research, see what others are dong. There is an enormous amount of information out there but you have to be proactive. If you need help, enlist a friend or hire a trainer.

4. Tracking workouts and logging your daily food intake will keep you accountable and motivated. People who log see more progress than people who guess.

5. Consistency is key. Consistency is key. Consistency is key. Hello, Rome was not built in a day.

6. Patience and commitment is must.

7. Understand there is no quick “fix” or “pill” that will do it for you. You have to earn it and it will involve some sweat, sacrifice, sore muscles, a change in lifestyle, maybe some tears, hopefully no blood (haha)  and hopefully there will be some fun.

Stay focused on these tips and you will succeed and the reward will be priceless. Get on it now! Be your Best Self in 2015!

Happy 2015!